These writings are examples of my ability to critical analyze, conceptualize, design, plan, and take an unbiased view on games as a whole. These writings were completed during my university schooling and with the use of diagrams, annotations, and critical research, I was able to clearly convey essential information about games in a written form.
Game Analysis: Detroit Become Human
Game Analysis
These analysis' demonstrate my ability to look at a game as a whole, analyze and pull out positives, negative, and other important information like user trends and consumer research. Research conducted includes all formal elements of traditional game theory and design.
Game Analysis: Just Cause 4
Usability Analysis
These analysis' demonstrate my ability to critically analyze player interaction with the game through use of systems, dialogue, gameplay, narrative or other forms of media used to help the player interact with the game.
Usability Analysis: Detroit Become Human
Usability Analysis: Just Cause 4
Design Document: The GRAEY
Design Document: Was it Jackrabbit?
Design Document: Snakes on a Train
Design Document
These docuements demonstrate my ability to creat, plan, and design documents that fully show the direction and plan of a game I am working on individually or with a team. This document is referred to throughout the development process and constantly updated with new information when things are changed.